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Get this from a library! Special needs trusts handbook. [Thomas D Begley, Jr.; Angela E Canellos] Special Needs Trusts Handbook is the single-volume, comprehensive resource that enables you to handle the complex requirements of drafting and administering and Canellos, Angela, Special Needs Trusts Handbook, §4.01[A] (2008). Page 5. IV. Permissible Distributions. The Trustee(s) of a Special Needs Trust may Special Needs Trusts Handbook · What people are saying - Write a review · Common terms and phrases · Bibliographic information.They are like other trusts in many respects—the general rules of trust accounting, law and taxation apply—but unlike more familiar trusts in other respects. The The beneficiary of a special needs trust will usually (but not always) be disabled. While a beneficiary may also act as trustee in some types of trusts, a
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